It's been a funny old week and I haven't had any time to indulge my culinary juices despite the fact that it was a bank holiday weekend in Ireland. I was travelling a lot last week and had reports and paperwork to catch up on so by the time Friday evening rolled in I was exhausted. One highlight, however, was in Carlow town on Wednesday afternoon, a place I had never associated with high cuisine.
I, man the hunter, stalking my luncheon prey down the eateries of Tullow Street, happened on a tavern called Reddy’s on the main crossroads. I entered, hopeful of trapping a soup and sandwich (a wily adversary I can tell you...) but noticed that they served Chicken Liver Pâté. Now I am a complete sucker for a good pâté so I ordered it with extra toast. After explaining, to the chef behind the serving counter, that I could quite easily live on chicken liver pâté and toast he kindly gave me an extra portion – woohoo freebies!! He informed me that it was made fresh on the premises and it really tasted like it. A really good pâté – something to consider should you ever pass through Carlow (and if you like pâté..) – Gonna have to try and make it myself soon.

So back to Friday and our minds turn to the weekend and the fact that my sister’s eldest daughter is leaving for the States for a year on Monday. They were having the family around on Sunday for a “cup of tea in the hand” so we could all say goodbye (in the finest traditions of an “American Wake” sans alcohol). I thought it would be nice to bring around my world famous cheesecake (that’s famous in “my world” you understand). Now blame cake boss et al on the food network channel but I found myself thinking “gosh, wouldn’t it be cool if I made a Statue of Liberty holding an ice-cream and with loads of shopping bags as a decoration”. In my head I could see a replica of the Statue, perfectly sculpted with my niece’s face. Never having done this before and armed with two blocks of marzipan and assorted food colouring, I settled down to moulding the perfect decoration. Two and a half hours later I had created……the Wicked Witch of the West flipping the bird at New York City.

Ok this was not what I had anticipated and I went back for round two. A half hour later I finally admitted that this was probably what bakers went to college for and decided to call it a day with at least a more favourable face on the Statue. The end result wasn’t too bad and the cheesecake disappeared in minutes. I know she appreciated it and, if she is reading this we wish you all the best in NYC and hope you enjoy your great adventure.